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Kapellenstraße 22 (2. Etage)
82008 Unterhaching (München)
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0176 - 544 821 90
Comprehensive security services
C.E.S.T. is in this business. group. We advise customers, train them according to their requirements, equip them with professional equipment and thus increase their safety at work, in everyday life and at school. Whether a company, private individual or educational institution, we are your competent contact. Discreet, serious and credible.
The company CEST® is an association of experts and companies from the official and private security sectors with over 20 years of market experience. Thanks to our team's almost 40 years of service to the authorities, we are able to serve the entire security segment. We offer you classic advice, the necessary equipment as well as training and education with and on our products. Your concern becomes our project. CEST® is a producer of ballistic protective vests (factory in England) and a specialist manufacturer of door rams. We produce our Kevlar underwear vests using the latest material technology.
These ballistic protective vests are light, thin, flexible and come with a stab protection insert. Thanks to the most modern manufacturing technologies, we are able to offer our protective vests for an unprecedented price-performance ratio.
In recent years, we have concentrated on research into cut and stab protection clothing with our reliable partners in England, USA, China, Japan, Taiwan and can rely on an extensive portfolio of this clothing. We produce original uniform parts including cut and/or stab protection for many units.
We are able to cost-effectively develop and produce clothing and/or items made of textile or leather with our partners starting from 50 pieces within 4 - 6 weeks.